Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Irish Songs - Did Seven Old Ladies Really Get Locked in the Lavatory?

With St. Patrick's Days coming up, I was reviewing lyrics to various Irish songs and was wondering how these songs originate?

The perfect example is the bar song
Seven Old Ladies Locked in the Lavatory

Where the chorus is a cheery sing-a-long
Oh dear what can the matter be?
Seven old ladies locked in the lavatory
They were there from Sunday to Saturday
Nobody knew they were there
- View Seven Old Ladies Lyrics

Well, upon doing some research I have learned that this song which I heard at The Phyrst almost weekly, the Irish bar at Penn State, is not an official Irish song but rather an adopted Irish song.

It turns out that the song was written by Oscar Brand a Canadian in the 1950's! Oscar Brand was a folk singer and author, he wrote hundreds of songs and was extremely creative. Brand was also on the original board for the Children's Television Workshop which later lead to Sesame Street. And here is some odd trivia - It is said the Oscar's demeanor and persistence led to the creation of "Oscar the Grouch." Who knew!

Always it turns out this adopted Irish song has become a mainstay at Irish Pub's around the US and Canada. I don't know if they sing it in Ireland but it is pretty funny. Did the ladies get locked in the lavatory? I'll leave that for you to decide. However, if you have never heard the Seven Old Ladies song check out this video.

The one thing I can say is that this song is a classic, fun and makes me laugh. And when it comes down to it, I am glad I wasn't locked in the lavatory with these seven old ladies.

Have a great St. Patrick's Day

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