Instead of choosing your handmade costume that took you hours to make, the girl in a sexy Halloween costume won by applause or the 4 year that tripped on stage won the hearts of the judges for being cute and not crying.
Well do you want to increase you chances of Winning a Halloween Contest this year?
Then do to these 5 things:
1. Learn about every Halloween contest in your area from bars to movie theaters to radio station promos to community events to even pets stores and so on.
2. Discover how they judge the Halloween contest and review past winners?
Do the judges decide the Costume winners or is it by audience applause?
Are the winners sexy women, creative or humorous costumes, groups, pets or families? Often you can spot trends and if an event is by applause bring friends.
3. Be creative or be better. You don’t always have to do something that has never been done before, but it needs to be in a manner they have not seen before or is much better than they have seen to create a WoW factor.
4. Avoid winning costumes of last few years and most popular costumes. Don’t look at photos and then decide to copy a Halloween contest winner from that event. However, sometimes the best ideas come from far away, so if you live in Seattle see what won in Chicago or Austin or LA. And stay away from the most popular costumes like Michael Jackson, Star Trek or the dark Knight, because you won’t get noticed.
5. Our last tip to Win a Halloween Costume Contest is to go online!
Yes, did you know there are hundreds of Costume Contests online and many offer Cash Prizes!
Here are a few found:
BlockBuster Video Halloween Contest
Parenting – Halloween Contest
Coolest Homemade Costume
Dress Like Dolly Parton Costume Contest
Once you have your contest look for themed costume contests and general one but entering online contests is easy and it gives you more opportunities to win!
Good luck and Happy Halloween
For More Halloween Fun visit our Halloween Store and Costumes
Halloween Party Games and Halloween Decorations
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